Getting Started

Pick Your Project

Wondering what kind of multi-unit project you can do?

There are a lot of different options for adding units to your home. Pick an option from the list below and check out some of the feasibility issues you’ll need to consider for each one.

There are three basic strategies for adding new units to your home.






You can convert space that is not currently used for living into new living space. This could be a garage or attic.

You can split an existing living space  into multiple units.


You can add space to a house to accommodate new units.

A project can use  any combination of these strategies.

Select a project to learn more

Beginner projects

Intermediate projects

Advanced projects

What will work for your house?

We have assembled a catalogue of all the different ways you can add a unit to a house. For each project we created a list of key rules and issues you need to consider.

Basement Conversion.

Check the costs

For these typical project types we provide a price range for an example project and a list of expenses you can expect.

Coming soon!

This website, including all data and information incorporated herein, is being provided for information purposes only and is not intended for and has not been approved for use for construction at any location. For certainty, ReHousing (Canada), The University of Toronto, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture Landscape and Design, and LGA Architectural Partners provides no representation or warranty regarding any use of or reliance upon this website, including no representation or warranty that this website  complies with applicable laws (including any applicable zoning by-laws or building code requirements) and no representation or warranty that any cost estimates included in or based upon this website have been validated by the applicable market. Any use of or reliance upon this website by any person for any purpose shall be at such person’s sole risk and ReHousing (Canada), The University of Toronto, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture Landscape and Design, and LGA Architectural Partners shall have no liability or responsibility for any such use of or reliance upon this website by any person for any purpose. Prior to any use of or reliance upon this website by any person for any purpose, consultation with a professional architect duly licensed in the applicable jurisdiction is strongly recommended.