This site is a guide for converting
single family homes to multi-unit housing.
We’re building tools to make the process easier and faster:
Click HERE to see what we’ve been working on!
The Guide has four parts:
There are lots of ways to develop multiplexes. Find out what path makes the most sense for you.
Pick Your
Discover all the ways you can add units to your lot and get a rough idea of the rules and constraints you will need to know.
A Catalogue of price-conscious designs for converting the thirteen most common houses in Toronto
Your multiplex toolkit. Get into the details of what it will take to build each component of your new home.
We’re building tools to make conversions easier, faster, and less stressful!
This is some text that explains the tools and when they may be available to use. This is some text that explains the tools and when they may be available to use. This is some text that explains the tools and when they may be available to use. This is some text that explains the tools and when they may be available to use. This is some text that explains the tools and when they may be available to use.
This is some text that explains the tools and when they may be available to use. This is some text that explains the tools and when they may be available to use.
Could this be for you?
What is a Citizen Developer and who can become one?
Traditionally, Canadian cities have relied on for-profit developers to make housing. With new rules that allow multi-unit housing on single-family lots, there is an opportunity for a new kind of not-for-profit developer, one who is driven by the pursuit of affordability and has the potential to produce both flexible and sustainable units.
Citizen Developers are owner-occupants who build new housing on single-family properties.
With the right tools and guidance, this kind of development has the potential to be more equitable than for-profit development and is readily feasible.
Not a Canadian Citizen? Not a problem. We use the term citizen to refer to people who are active participants in shaping the place they call home. They are stewards of the communities they belong to, who take responsibility and care for its creation and recreation, regardless of political boundaries.
Are you looking to buy?
Or do you already own a home?
Some other examples of Citizen Developers are: